domingo, 17 de abril de 2016

Parts of the plant - Song and games

Homework: Answer the questions in the form below:

Do it before Monday 25th of April

This video about the parts of a plant is really cool. We'll learn it in class but you can start warming up here!

Plants game 1

Plants game 2

lunes, 7 de marzo de 2016

Science Challenge - Animals and Plants Game

A new Science Challenge is here! And this time it will be even more special as you will have to create animals and plants games. These games will be showed in the hall of the first cycle and in the classrooms. All games must be made by the pupil and preferably handwritten.

These games can be made throughout the Easter holidays.

¡Ya está aquí el nuevo reto de ciencias! Está vez será un reto aún más especial pues consistirá en crear juegos relacionados con los animales y las plantas. Estos juegos se colgarán en el pasillo de primer ciclo y en las clases. Todos los juegos deben estar hechos por los alumnos/as y preferiblemente escritos a mano.

I love science!

Here you have some examples (but use your imagination).

lunes, 22 de febrero de 2016

Vertebrates activities



VERTEBRATES: Test yourself with this little quiz!